The growing buzz around the importance of mentoring in business is catching on. People are talking. From esteemed business platforms like Bloomberg Business to leading news outlets like The Huffington Post, mentoring is gaining an expanding audience.
Why are so many significant corporations talking about mentoring? MentorCloud CEO Ravi Gundlapalli says that “mentoring is the best thing since sliced bread.” The biggest lesson for those seeking mentorship seems to be, “Find one because it’s not going to come looking for you.”
Below is a list of recent mentoring stories, curated specially by the MentorCloud team. Check back in next Thursday for more significant publications on the topic of mentoring.
Mentoring Entrepreneurs: Tough Love and the Truth featuring Endeavor CEO and founder Linda Rottenberg via Bloomberg Surveillance
A blog from Christina Desmarais via Inc. on 5 Things to Look for in Your Next Incredible Mentor
Shark Tank’s Lori Greiner on the Importance of Mentorship by Carly Okyle via Entrepreneur
If You Think You Don’t Need a Mentor, Think Again by Zenaida Lorenzo via Huff Post Women.
Reverse Mentoring – Investing in Tomorrow’s Business Strategy by Joshua Steimle via Forbes