Celebrating the Planet and its People

Sowing the seeds of a sustainable future through MentorCloud’s green initiative

What is Green Initiative

MentorCloud began with the mission to impact 100 million people through the profound power of mentorship. Over the last 10 years, MentorCloud has enabled collaborative and sustainable growth for numerous organizations worldwide by developing transformative mentor-mentee communities.Human-to-human connection lies at the heart of mentorship, and MentorCloud is taking this sense of connection further with the Green Initiative.

MentorCloud, with the help of Beyond Sustainability, commits to planting over 1000 trees annually. This initiative honors not only the spirit of growth that lies at the core of mentorship, but also honors the spirit of oneness that people share with each other and the planet. MentorCloud is one of the few purpose-driven B2B SaaS companies to undertake such an endeavor. The Green Initiative is driven by the ideals of Integral Humanism, supporting the development of people and businesses by contributing to the holistic wellness of the planet.
The Green Initiative reflects the values of mentorship both in its intent as well as its impact.

How it works

MentorCloud, with the help of Beyond Sustainability, will plant over 1000 trees per year, to honor the values of growth and learning that lie at the core of mentor-mentee relationships.
plant tree
The trees will be planted in 3 cycles per year, with the utmost care towards the area’s seasonal patterns. These fruit-bearing trees will also become a source of livelihood for local farmers.
Ultimately, this income will empower these farmers to invest in their children’s education, furthering the cause of generational change via education & learning.
farmer family
Thus, both the roots and the fruits of the initiative celebrate the spirt of growth-oriented learning and mentoring.

Founder’s Note

“The Green Initiative is inspired by Deen Dayal Upadhyaya’s philosophy of Integral Humanism, or Ekatma Maanavtaa
According to this philosophy, we the people are one with the planet. For example: when I stand next to a tree, I breathe in its oxygen, and the tree absorbs the carbon dioxide I exhale. So, with me simply standing next to a tree, my life becomes closely interlinked with its life.

Integral Humanism celebrates this beautiful bond of coexistence that we share with our planet, and our rich cultural heritage reveres this ideal of holistic unity.

It is impossible to achieve sustainable growth for people without ensuring sustainable growth for the planet as well. Till now, MentorCloud has been all about the people. And now, with the Green Initiative, we are taking a step towards the sustainable growth of the planet as well.
Dr.Ravi Gundlapalli
Founder & CEO, MentorCloud
Dr.Ravi Gundlapalli
Founder & CEO, MentorCloud

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Average annual salary
Projected Number of Mentors during the first 12 months
Projected Number of Mentees during the first 12 months
Projected formal mentee count
Projected employee retention impact