Mentorship Has The Most Positive Impact On A Mentee's Happiness And Success. Know How?

Everyone can benefit from a mentor's guidance, no matter what role they hold at work. A mentor's goal is to help mentees get from where they are to where they want to be, which applies to all career path stages. A few specific scenarios in which a mentor would positively impact a mentee's happiness and success.

First Job

Young, would-be professionals just starting in business are sometimes the best-suited candidates for mentorship. Their minds are fresh and eager to learn. They're full of ideas about what they want to do, skills and knowledge acquired from their studies, and a sturdy enthusiasm to make a name for themselves. A mentor paired with one of these promising individuals is the ultimate guide. Their years spent gaining knowledge and fine-tuning their careers is a special gift to someone trying to learn the ropes and gain insight into which direction their job will go.

New Company

Like brand new employees in many ways, these individuals are trying to find their way. They may be plagued by uncertainty and, in the beginning, are just trying to find their place in the company and fit in among their new colleagues. An effective mentor, especially one from within the company, can ease the transition for someone in this scenario. They already know the hierarchy within the company, the lines of communication, and who is responsible for what. Mentors can introduce policies and procedures to new employees, but they can help them find a path to advancement even more than that.

Premature Promotion

Despite all good intentions, some employees are promoted before they are ready. They may have all the superior skills necessary to master their current roles but lack the finesse an upward transition requires. If they're advanced to management without any management skills, they may flounder. Here is where a mentor can serve as a confidant and much-needed source of support. They can show the employee how to apply their strengths to the demands of a new position and improve their weaknesses. They can also provide insight on challenges they faced in similar transitions and give examples of how they were successful.

At-Risk Employee

There's no question that companies of all sizes and cultures have a hard time keeping employees engaged. It's becoming more and more common for individuals to have multiple employers listed on their resumes, their work history serving as a virtual roadmap of discontent. Employees don't always know what they're looking for; they know they aren't finding it in their current role, so they start seeking fulfillment elsewhere. Mentors can help these employees pinpoint what they're looking for in a job and employer, as well as help them determine how they might find those within their current company. They can connect them with the right people to get them the training they need to get to where they want. If you fit into any of these scenarios or have employees who do, think about seeking mentorship. They're the ones best suited to help you overcome barriers and realize your career goals. If this post resonated with you, check with your organization to see whether you are part of the MentorCloud network. If not, sign up for a demo here! Our vision is to create a mentoring planet where true equality is achieved, and hard work is rewarded, but it's only possible with your participation.

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