The argument for taking control of your career (i.e., being an entrepreneur) rather than working for a big organization is becoming increasingly compelling. In a recent post of Huffington, college grads were advised to "create their firms and be masters of their destinies," or at the absolute least, join a startup working on something they are passionate about.
Today's mobile market, along with easy access to advanced technology and global audiences, means that starting a business is more accessible today than it ever has been before. And people are beginning to pay attention.
Conversations about entrepreneurship are becoming more common. Gone are the days when recent graduates would automatically seek out corporate employment immediately after college. Instead, they're weighing their options. In "Mentoring: An Entrepreneur'sEntrepreneur's Ticket to Startup Success," we talked about the importance of mentorship in running a successful startup.
Entrepreneurs and Mentor Relation
In an age of entrepreneurship, aspiring businessmen and women are going to need mentors more than ever. Traditional employment at a big company often comes with programs and resources designed to help employees succeed. It's common for a company workforce to access resources like internal and external training, workshops, cross-training, brainstorming sessions, seminars and conferences, human resources, and career advice.
But when you're venturing out on your own, it's up to you to find the resources you'll need to reach your goals. If you've never worked in business before and have only your education to draw from, this can be a daunting task. The solution is to find someone who's been there and then ask them to teach you everything they know. In other words, find a mentor, maybe even two. To start a business, you'll need to learn things like building a brand, marketing your product or service, allocating resources, designing a business model, and taking risks, among other things.
The chances of finding one person who possesses all the knowledge you'll need to be a successful entrepreneur are slim, so don't limit yourself to just one mentor. Your mentors don't all have to be entrepreneurs, either. Indeed, you should seek guidance from someone who can help you navigate the uncertain waters of starting your own company. Still, you can also gain valuable knowledge from people who have expertise in other areas critical to running a business, like marketing, finance, sales, and human resources.
The more you know about the inner workings, the more successful you'll be in running your own. Entrepreneurship is becoming a realistic alternative to employment for today's graduates. More and more schools are incorporating entrepreneurship programs into their course offerings. The plethora of organizations, workshops, books, and startups geared toward supporting entrepreneurship—both online and offline—means that aspiring entrepreneurs can access more tools and resources than ever before. Pair all of this with the proper guidance, as well as a hefty dose of dedication and hard work, and you'll be on your way to realizing your dreams of starting a business you're proud to put your name on.
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